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You can also pay by Venmo or by check in-person.


This includes a comprehensive assessment of patient's current medical condition or chief complaint. It can include physical exam, physical assessment tests, and thorough review of past medical history, current symptoms Chinese medicine diagnosis, and review of information shared in the intake form. A 30-45 minute acupuncture treatment is also included.

Beauty and Skincare

Anti-aging and skincare treatments that include: Cosmetic acupuncture, LED light therapy, Micro-needling, Stem-cell serum treatments, Facial cupping and Gua sha


This includes a comprehensive nutrition consult that includes development of a tailored meal plan, diet and lifestyle recommendations, as well as nutritional supplement recommendations where appropriate.

Herbal Medicine

This includes a 25- 30 minute consult, providing recommendations for herbal medicine either in the form of raw herbs, granules, or tea pills to enhance the acupuncture treatment. Herbal medicine will be drop shipped or can be ordered on-demand from our partner herbal dispensaries.

Cupping Therapy

30 minutes of cupping therapy on the body (neck, shoulders, back, thighs, large muscle areas), using either glass or suction cupping. Cups are used to create suction or negative pressure on specific areas (back, shoulders, large muscle areas) which can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure). Cupping is... Read More

30 minutes of cupping therapy on the body (neck, shoulders, back, thighs, large muscle areas), using either glass or suction cupping.
Cups are used to create suction or negative pressure on specific areas (back, shoulders, large muscle areas) which can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure). Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite.

Dr. Ahnee Min-Yau, LAc, DACM, Herbalist Dr. Min-Yau is a licensed acupuncturist and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine specializing in women’s health, fertility, pain management, musculoskeletal issues, sleep disorders, digestion, mind-body balance, and facial rejuvenation.

She received both her Masters and Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Prior to medicine, Dr. Ahnee had a long-standing career in Silicon Valley, understanding first hand the stress and rigor of working in hi-tech and the startup environment.

She is an avid runner and swimmer and has done several triathlons and marathons throughout the Bay Area and Hawaii.

Dr. Ahnee Min-Yau, LAc, DACM, Herbalist Dr. Min-Yau is a licensed acupuncturist and doctor of tra... Read More

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